• Visit the Kids Area

    Visit the Kids Area

    Games, Events, Storytime & Literacy for Children

  • Check Out the Latest Audio Books

    Check Out the Latest Audio Books

    Download free audiobooks & eBooks to your computers, tablets &  phones

  • Special events for kids

    Special events for kids

    Stuffed animal parties, movie nights, parent & child painting classes and more

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  • Craft Time for kids

    Craft Time for kids

    Wednesdays after school



Schroeder Public Library Newest News

NEWS FLASH! We now have SPHERO, 3 Dux Designs & Strawbees that are available at special times & on request.

Our library has just been awarded a gift of 100 new children's books, ranging from pre-kindergarten through early readers. These books were a donation from the Brownstone Book Fund, a private foundation in New York City, interested in fostering early reading, a love of books and encouraging parents and children to read together. Come to the library to explore and enjoy our new collection!

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Attention History Buffs--we have a Keystone history room. Lots of pictures, memorabilia and info about Keystone.

Do you have a special occasion or holiday coming up? The library has a large meeting room for a small charge,ask the librarian for details.

Little known facts...We have a large inventory of character shaped CAKE PANS that are available for check-out and a Laminator for in-library use. LOOK under the Services tab or the red block below.


If you are sick, coughing or have an elevated temperature, please stay home and get well soon!